Broken Paddle Farm
We're just up the creek
More Breeds

Previously critically endangered US breed Buckeyes have improved to the Watch list.
Buckeye were developed by Nettie Metcalf in Ohio. They are unique in the American Class of chickens in that it is the only breed created entirely by a woman.
Large at 5.5-8lbs, dual purpose birds Buckeye are excellent layers of large brown eggs, active foragers, gentle and gregarious.
Additionally they are featured on the Slow Food Ark of Taste.
Buckeye Chicken
Crested Cream Legbar

Being considered by The Livestock Conservancy Crested Cream Legbar are a unique breed.
Medium sized and handsome they are very popular with backyard keepers for thier unique head dress, flamboyant feathering and the vast number of sky blue eggs; averaging 260 eggs annually. As if that weren't enough they are auto sexing-sexually dimorphic. Hatched chicks can be sexed generation after generation.
Best suited to free ranging they are active foragers and roosters are vigilant protectors.
Pilgrim Goose
Listed as threatened the Pilgrim Goose is a perfect small farm goose. Very docile Pilgrim can be trusted to reverse any poor opinion or fear of geese. Rugged, quiet and excellent foragers.
Along with a lovely personality Pilgrim also feature auto sexing/sexually dimorphism. The sex may be determined at hatch through adulthood. Ganders are mostly white with blue eyes while the Goose is mostly grey with some white plumage and brown eyes.
Pilgrim is a medium weight goose at 10-12lbs that make great roasting birds lending them to be featured on the Slow Food Ark of Taste.