Broken Paddle Farm
We're just up the creek
Heritage Breeds
Welsh Harlequin Ducks

Previously Critically Endangered, now on Watch list Welsh Harlequin Ducks are making a come back.
Welsh Harlequin are a flightless, dual purpose breed that compare to most dual purpose chickens for their superb laying ability. They are handsome easy keepers and can be sexed when first hatched with a ~90 % accuracy. Flightless and docile they are a farm or urban farm dream.They outstanding layers producing 240-330 pearly white shelled eggs yearly.

Also previously Critically Endangered, now on Watch list Sicilian Buttercup Chickens are making a come back.
Prized as show birds, ornamental and egg layers Sicilian Buttercups are
small birds at 4 – 5.5 lbs that lay medium white eggs.
Active and flighty they're good foragers that do well on free range in warm climates and actively evade predators.
Sicilian Buttercup

Recently added to the Threatened list Appenzeller Spitzhauben, the national breed of Switzerland, is noted for the very unusual forward-pointing crest and v-shaped comb. These birds are active and flighty. They do best in free range situations not adapting well in confinement.
Spitzhauben are small active birds at 3.5 – 4.5 lbs that lay large white eggs
Active foragers, winter hardy, and excellent predator evasion.